Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Completely Wrong Google Image Search Results - Mitt Romney Pics - Another Google Bomb?

There is another Google Bomb that is in news again - Completely Wrong Google Bomb or you can say Completely Wrong link bombing.

It is similar to the past Google bombs such as Miserable Failure and others. The only difference is that this time this is targeted on Google Images.

What exactly is this Google bombing or link bombing?

If you are new to this term, please see my Google Bombing post for more information.

Just for the introduction, Google/link bombing is a techniques used by bloggers or link builders to target specific website to rank higher in Google SERP's for a specific term. In case of Completely Wrong Google Bombing, the keyword targeted is "Completely Wrong" and the search engine targeted is Google Images. So, when you do a search for  "Completely Wrong" in Google Images, you will see the following result:

The result shows Mitt Romney - BARACK Obama's presidential rival.

Why is this happening?

Good question, now everyone is thinking why these results appear in Google Image search for "Completely Wrong"

The answer is it's coming due to Mitt Romney's  47 % remarks:

"Well, clearly in a campaign, with hundreds if not thousands of speeches and question-and-answer sessions, now and then you're going to say something that doesn't come out right. In this case, I said something that's just completely wrong," he said.

It is posted on the news website which resulted in Google Search Algorithm to think that Mitt Romney is associated with this keyword Completely Wrong and the results are natural. Google Search algorithm considers News website as an authority domains and also recent updates such as Google Panda puts more emphasis on fresh content. In a nut shell, this is not Google Bombing. The search results are natural. Even, Google spokesman confirmed it.

How to diffuse it?

In the past, Google manually diffused many of these link or Google Bombs such as Miserable Failure. However, in this case the results are natural. Google spokesman is saying the results are due to flurry of news articles with this phrase Completely Wrong coming up. Once, these articles are archived and news boils down it will diffuse automatically. However, if bloggers or link builders keep on writing posts and linking this phrase to Mitt Romney then it will stay until it's manually removed from the algorithm just like Miserable Failure.

Here is the list of various Google bomb that were diffused in the past.

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