Monday, June 25, 2007

Common H.R. Abbreviations

Following ARE THE COMMON ABBREVIATIONS used by HR in corpoarte houses:

AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact
AAR - After Action Review
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AL - Accelerated Learning
ALARA - As Low As Reasonably Achievable
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ATS - Advanced Training System
A/V - Audio Visual

B&P - Bid and Proposal
BEER - Behavior, Effect, Expectation, Results (for feedback for improvement)
BET - Behavior, Effect, Thanks (for positive feedback)
BPR - Business Process Re-engineering
BST - Basic Skills Trainer
BTW - By The Way

CAI - Computer-Aided Instruction
CAUSED - Can they do it, do they have a positive Attitude, is it Useful to them, are they Skilled in it, do they have similar Experience, is it Different.
CAX - Computer Assisted Exercises
CBI - Computer-Based Instruction
CBT - Computer-Based Training or Competency Based Training
CETA - Cost-Effective Training Analysis
CMI - Computer Managed Instruction
CP - Change Proposal
CPI - Continuous Process Improvement
CYA - Cover Your A**

DMP - Data Management Plan
DR - Design Review
DSM - Don't Shoot Me
DTP - Detailed Test Plan

ECR - Electronic Classroom
ENDEX - End of EXercise
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
EOD - End Of Discussion
EPSS - Electronic Performance Support System
ERIC - Educational Resources Information Center
ET - Embedded Training; Evaluation Tool
ETC - Estimate To Complete
EQ - Emotional Quotient

FOJT - Formal On-the-Job Training
FTX - Field Training Exercise
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYCP - Future Years Corporate Plan
FYI - For Your Information

GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out
GOK - God Only Knows
GTA - Graphical Training Aid


HPT - Human Performance Technology
HR - Human Resources
HRD - Human Resource Development
HRM - Human Resource Management
HUMINT - Human Intelligence

I&D - Integration and Development
I&KP - Instructor and Key Personnel
IAW - In Accordance With
ICW - Interactive Courseware
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IKPT - Instructor and Key Personnel Training
IMI - Interactive Multimedia Instruction
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
INPO - In No Particular Order
I/O - Input/Output
IOW - In Other Words
IPT - Integrated Product Team
IQ - Intelligence Quotient
ISD - Instructional System Development
ISD/SAT - Instructional Systems Development/Systems Approach to Training
IT - Instructional Technology
ITP - Individual Training Plan
ITS - Integrated Training System or Individual Training Standard

JA - Job Aid
JITT - Just-In-Time Training

KA - Knowledge Acquisition
KAS (KSA) - Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
KITA - Kick In The Ass (a motivational method)

LG - Lecture Guide
LO - Learning Objective
LRC - Learning Resource Center

MINIEX - Mini-EXercise
MOP - Measure Of Performance
MPA - Motivation Problem analysis
MS - Milestone

NA - Needs Assessment
NDI - Non Developmental Item
NIS - Not In Specification
NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming

OJT - On-the-Job Training
OOBE - Out-Of-Box Experience
OTM - One Time Measure
OTOH - On The Other Hand

P3I - Pre-Planned Product Improvement
PA - Performance Assessment
PE - Practical Exercise
PEBCAK- Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PFA - Pulled from the Air
PITA - Pain In The Ass
PMFJI - Pardon Me For Jumping In
PPM - Policy and Procedures Manual
PPP - Personnel Performance Profile
PR - Program Review
PTR - Problem Trouble Report

QA - Quality Assurance
QAR - Quality Assurance Evaluator
QC - Quality Control
QI - Quality Improvement
QM - Quality Management
QVT - Quality Verification Test

RAD - Rapid Application Development
RBM - Rational Behavioral Model
RESA - Research, Evaluation, and Systems Analysis
RFI - Request For Information
RFP - Request For Proposal
RFT - Ready For Training
ROTFL, ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
RTFM - Read The F****** Manual

SAT - Systems Approach to Training
SGI - Small Group Instruction
SGL - Small Group Leader
SIM - Simulator
SIMTECH - Simulation Technology
SITD - Still In The Dark
SKA - Skills, Knowledge, Attitude
SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time based (objective and goal setting)
SME - Subject Matter Expert
SOO - Statement Of Objectives
SOW - Statement Of Work
SPEC - Specification
SQ3R - Survey the material to be learned, develop Questions about the material, Read the material, Recall the key ideas, Review the material (learning strategy)
SQT - Skills Qualification Test
STRAP - System Training Plan
STX - Situational Training Exercise
SWAG - Scientific Wild Ass Guess

T&D - Training and Development
T&E - Training And Evaluation
TA - Transactional Analysis
TADS - Training Analysis Data Sheet
TADSS - Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations
TBA - To Be Announced
TBD - To Be Determined
TDNS - Training Development Needs Statement
TDS - Training Development Study
TE - Training Emphasis
TEA - Training Effectiveness Advocate or Training Effectiveness Analysis
TEE - Training Effectiveness Evaluation
TEEP - Training Effectiveness Evaluation Plan
TEMP - Test and Evaluation Master Plan
TFT - Technical Feasibility Test
TINSTAAFL - There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TKT - Threshold Knowledge Test
TLA - Training Level Assignment
TLO - Terminal Learning Objective
TM - Technical Manual
TMO - Training Material Outline
TMP - Training Management Plan
TO - Task Order
TOIS - Task Oriented Instructional System
TOS - Training Objective Statement
TPR - Trained Personnel Requirement
TPTB - The Powers That Be
TQM - Total Quality Management
TQR - Training Quality Report
TR - Training Requirement
TRADE - Training Devices
TSA - Training Situation Analysis
TSFC - Training System Functional Characteristics
TSP - Training Support Package
TT - Technical Test
TTHSS - Touch, Taste, Hear, Sight, Smell (5 Senses)
TWI - Training Within Industry

VAK - Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
VI - Visual Information
VV&A - Verification, Validation, and Accreditation
VV&C - Verification, Validation and Certification

WAG - Wild Assed Guess
WBI - Web Based Instruction
WBPSS - Web Based Performance Support System
WBS - Work Breakdown Structure
WIIFM - What's In It For Me
WYSBYGI - What You See Before You Get It
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

YAFA - Yet Another Fine Acronym
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
YOYO - You're On Your Own
YTD - Year To Date

ZD - Zero Defects

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